Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crazy Old Laws

The Legal World’s A Crazy One

1) Up until 1991, a popular past-time in France was to throw dwarves/little people who would be covered in Velcro protective material against a wall. The person who threw the dwarf the furthest would win a prize. This was a popular outing for families.

2) In 1292, there was a court case concerning the ownership of an ox. Two men were fighting saying that they both owned the ox. The court decided that the men should fight in order to establish ownership. The men were to fight to the death or until nightfall. If the accuser (the person who had initiated the court case) was still standing at nightfall, he was said to be lying.

3) In 1519, there was a case concerning damage to crops by moles. The judge issued an order for the moles in question to come to court to answer charges and of course they did not, so they were sent into exile.

4) In 1960, a 65 year old lady was found guilty of claiming £2 a week pension for a friend of hers who had died 21 years earlier.

5) In 1998, a man after having a few too many drinks decided to get a taxi home. He realised he was unable to pay the fare as he had no more money, so the taxi driver kicked him out of the taxi. He decided to turn himself into the police so the taxi driver would not have to. When he arrived at the station, he found it locked up and decided he would break in so he could leave a statement. While he was there, he decided to put on a garda uniform and wait until morning so he could protect the station in case anyone else decided to do what he had done. In the morning the Sergeant arrived to open up and was greeted by the man. He was promptly arrested and charged for impersonating a police officer. The whole court was in fits of laughter, even the judge, who left the man go without conviction.

6) According to a law of 1324,  the head of any dead whale found on the coast of Britain automatically becomes the property of the King of Britain, and the tale becomes the property of the queen.

7) A law in Arizona in the US states that it is illegal to smile unless you are missing one tooth. The only people who are allowed a full-toothed smile are children.

8) It is illegal for Trinity College students to walk across campus without swords

9) The youngest ever American citizen sentenced to life imprisonment was 14 years old. (Lionel Tate, sentenced for the murder of a six year old girl

10) In New York, a person may not walk around with an icecream in their pocket if it is Sunday.

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